Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tainted Lunch Meat : On martial law and comedy

Confronting comedy first; it shouldn't be a problem for comedians to come up with material. He does have those ears and let's face it, to err is human, the guy isn't jesus(no one ever was). I'm sure he will make mistakes, both large and small, and I'm sure most credible comedians will shame him like any other politician. Obama seems to have a good sense of humor as well, smiles a lot, chuckles heartily, whatever.

Next up, martial law. The video clip, short doc or whatever you want to call it, definitely straddles the conspiracy theory line. If by straddling the line you mean being completely on the conspiracy theory side of the line, then yes, definitely straddling it. I only say that due to the origins of the doc. Are there some serious concerns presented, of course. Will we see a military coup take place on our soil, I'm not sure I would bet on that. Mainly because it's unnecessary, there are more subtle ways to control the population. Propaganda on the news, over-armed police forces, unreasonable fear of the next bogey-man, religion, and so on. As long as we continue to support one side or the other of the same coin, martial law is largely a non concern. If there's ever a true showing of popular dissent, then we may be in trouble, as the infrastructure is already in place to control the people by force.

Finally a few trends I've noticed. Apparently Palin is to the republican party as Neo was to the Matrix, The One. Embracing the new president elect is fashionable to conservatives until a new viable strategy to defeat democrats reveals itself. Excommunicating anyone who throws Palin under the bus within conservative circles is A OK. Claiming that Obama won the election because he is actually a center-right candidate is entirely not directly at odds with the "Don't-vote-for-the-socialist-terrorist-muslim-marxist-liberal" attacks that were all over the place just days and weeks before. There's some serious cognitive dissonance riding shotgun with wishful thinking.

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