Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mike G. Mickey and Rapture Alert

I've been wanting to post about this subject for a while now. This has been a subject of interest and considerable irritation to me. Call it a pet peeve of mine. Or perhaps a major psychotic hatred. It could be that its just had too long a time to fester.

Anyway, let's lance this boil. His name is Mike G. Mickey and he hosts and manages a website called Rapture Alert: Sounding the Alert that Jesus Christ is Coming Soon!. Why is he the target of my contention? A few years ago while I was working at my previous job I met a co-worker who had come across this person online and wanted me to know about this website owner. I had just learned about the Federal Reserve and its purpose. She explained to me that he charts the prophecy of revelation through news outlets, and uses this as his argument that Christ's time is drawing near. At the time of this discovery of mine, I had never heard of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Anyway, Mike's objective is to reach as many people as possible about the story of Jesus Christ and His offer of eternal salvation. Ok, I don't mind this opinion. Believing in a superior intelligence on a personal level is fine with me. And we're certainly closer to the End than we have ever been before. But as the progression of email exchanges continued between us, I found him to be a stubborn, opinionated neoconservative. And I'm sure he came to the conclusion that I was a godless heathen.

This is how I learned about pre- and post-millenialism, dispensationalism, and the violent and literal interpretation of the Book of Revelations. In summary, what Mike G. Mickey over at Rapture Alert proposes is that for Jesus Christ to return, there has to be geopolitical support for the establishment of Israel and the maintaining of Israel in all that this racist Marxist terrorist state does. Of course, what he believes, as do so many other brainwashed lemmings, is that if you criticize Israel or her existence, you've just committed the unforgiveable sin of antiSemitism, whatever that means.

There is a different opinion however, and this is of Orthodox Jewry, the belief that there can be no Jewish kingdom on earth until the coming messiah. Since the Jews haven't accepted Jesus Christ as their messiah, no Jewish kingdom allowed. How does the Christian community in America reconcile this difference? They completely forget about it.

While investigating the site, I found this article he wrote on Secret Societies. He lists the Federal Reserve as being one of them but very few articles register under the search term Ron Paul, the sole voice in Congress dissenting against such a sinful organization. Christians, such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Hal Lindsay, and John Hagee, are always expressing God's damnation against America. If there is any truth to this is at all, maybe the existence of the Federal Reserve is among the numbered reasons God is damning America. You'd think that being aware of this simple little fact, a Christian like Mike G. Mickey would've supported someone like Ron Paul for President, but it is because of his misinterpretation of Christianity that prevents his support. After all, and maybe someone should tell Mickey, it wouldn't have been achievable to establish Israel without a fractional-reserve bank like the Fed to float the capital it needed.

But I'm assuming this man is a Christian. This man isn't Christian at all. Instead he is what the scriptures refer to as a false prophet. Christians are usually altruistic. I've met them, I know this, but this current breed is nothing of the kind because true Christians believing the Book of Revelations would protest the facilitation of global government at all costs, sparing no expense, risking life and limb to halt its production.

Not only is this current breed misinterpreting Christianity in this respect, they may also very well be pushing people away from the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which the bible says Hell reserves for such special transgressions.

In one of our last exchanges, Mike told me that the only one I could trust was Jesus Christ. So I asked him then if this meant that I couldn't even trust my very own mother, the woman who gave birth to me. He replied that I couldn't even trust her. Mike G. Mickey says that he is a retired police officer. I wonder then if he's a plant. I guess I shouldn't be trusting what he says either.

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