Friday, November 14, 2008

Tainted Lunch Meat : 30 days to oblivion

So, yeah, wow, that's a list and a half there. I can't wait to see the next 30 days either. I just wonder how many will survive the first 30 days to see the next 30. Now I'm not entirely against every step in that plan, but I do have some reservations. I couldn't 100% tell if this plan was being presented with seriousness or with tongue in cheek humor in mind. I'm going to assume it was posted with a serious mindset.

1. So let's start from the top. With a progressive income tax, like we have, the wealthier citizens pay more taxes than the less wealthy citizens. If you cut out those revenues and offset that with a reduction in spending, the country is no worse for the wear, kinda, sorta. It depends on what spending is cut to match the lack of income tax revenues. Most poor people don't pay income tax. Money comes out of there paycheck but it can usually be recovered as a tax refund check later on. Most wealthy people however do pay income tax, so eliminating it would be great for them, inconsequential for poorer people. Cutting spending could hurt either set, depending on where the cuts are. If you cut social programs for the poor, then it's obvious who wins out in this situation. Maybe the spending cuts could be devised to adversely affect the people who most benefit from them no longer having to pay their fair share.

2.I really don't like the idea of a pay-to-play voting system. A lot of people could be priced out of civic participation almost instantly. Horrible idea, completely.

3.Being a poor person myself, I quite like public land, since I don't own any for myself. And seeing as how many landowners are far from generous in letting me or anyone else have free run of their property, public land needs to stay public, or I need to be rich, either way is good.

4. Again with the bad ideas. Workers need protection. The job market should be upwardly competitive, not a race to the bottom. There is always some jackass willing to do your job for less money than you. He may even do it better. The has to be a floor for wages. And it needs to be high enough that people can live off of it. If you reduce the minimum wage to zero, that's quite likely close to what employers will be willing to pay for the work.

5.Can't really see the benefit of having blind and deaf economic planners.

6.This really doesn't seem to be a burden on big business. They would love to have less regulation.

7.I don't know if prices of oil and gas would plummet. Those prices tend to not plummet, unless we're in the middle of an economic crisis. Of course, if this plan came to fruition, then maybe oil and gas prices do indeed plummet.

8.I wasn't aware competition was illegal. I could be reading this wrong.

9.There is a bit of a difference between HUD housing and "cheap, private, apartments". That difference is a substandard somewhat livable dwelling and a lean-to. I just cant imagine developers lining up to sell or rent cheap housing. The tenants quite likely won't take of the property and the margins and much thinner for profit.

10.I'm not entirely against the general concept of this step. But I think the gas tax can be priced so as to make the roadways just barely self sufficient.

11.This is just hateful. "Work or starve" really? So maybe it's not fair for some people to game the system. I'd still rather see them do that than die. And I'm completely tired of being told people should fall back on charity during hard times. We may be a generous population, but the government of the richest country in the world should be able and willing to take care of its less fortunate citizens.

12.You realise when they repealed the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, that kind of led us to the meltdown we are seeing now. I can't see how further deregulation helps this in any way whatsoever.

13.I'll never have more than $100,000 in the bank, so alright, down with the FDIC, sure.

14.I like this step, actual asset based currency seems right to me.

15.The only way I'm flying is if I sprout wings, so yeah, I'm good on this step of the path to doom as well.

16.The post office is still cheaper than UPS, and it's not like FedEx is making UPS any cheaper, and DHL is going out of business apparently. Seems like some cartels are worth keeping.

17.Welfare farmers, well I laughed when I read that. "How's the harvest Clem?" "Little short on the welfare, but OK I reckon." That's what went through my mind. Anyways, yeah I'm good with this step too.

18.Really? Get rid of anti-trust laws? They barely save us from Vista as is. Seems like a terrible idea to me.

19.Again with the charities, somehow a cold, heartless government will lead to a kind, caring populace. I don't know, sounds risky, and again an assault on the poor, who may or may not be able to afford private education.

20.Why on earth would you want to sell the Federal Monuments? I like them, I can't afford to buy my own, but I like them all the same. Bad idea. Mt. Rushmore on Ebay FAIL.

21.Now this is something I can get behind. As a late adopter of cell phones, I'm a bit of a Luddite. Data bases are indeed evil. Good idea here.

22.Another idea that just strikes me as hateful. Unpopular minorities need protection, otherwise the tyranny of the mob will oppress them(I'm looking at you California).

23.Yeah, cause you know, of course you can win a legal battle against huge companies over pollution. Their enormous legal budget would absolutely not have any impact on the outcome of the trial. Surely if some evil polluter were dragged in front of a judge, your bargain bin lawyer could totally take 'em to the cleaners. Right. Moving on.

24.I don't even understand what this step means.

25.I'm glad we didn't move to privatize Social Security last year. That may have been painful after watching the Dow shed 4000 + points over the last few months.

26.Leave the NEA alone.

27.I can live with cutting off foreign aid.

28.I'm for it, I like guns. Good idea.

29.I'm down with this one too. Close down most of the 700+ military bases we have all around the world. The empire needs to be over.

30.Good idea, can't wait to get me that discounted Honda Civic.

Exhilarating indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Just a quick response here for the moment: I'm sure Rockwell wrote this article with all seriousness in mind, and with a sense of humor.

    I will be preparing a response, but in the meantime please watch the video Shane posted. I'm still a beginner on Austrian economics but I do believe I understand enough of it to respond to some of the points presented here.
