Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tainted Lunch Meat : mind, blown.

I picked this up over at BoingBoing. Wow, good video, really lays out how money is created and why debt is an absolute necessity for our current economic model to function. I feel incredibly stupid after watching the video. I had a lot of misconceptions on how this system actually worked. And I never realised how subversive the 'debt-free' people were. Some quality quotes from some major figures in history show up, pretty astounding stuff. A little conspiratorial, but it doesn't harp on that for very long, and the questions it raises in regards to conspiracy aren't beyond the realm of possibility. It's a long one, clocking in at 47 minutes, but well worth the time. The goofy graphics almost turned me off of it before it really got going, but give it about 10 minutes and you will probably watch the whole thing.

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