Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Fed continues to evade transparency

From Bloomberg . The Fed just will not tell us where our money went. Secrecy is obviously essential when it comes to throwing away taxpayer money. Why all the opacity? I'm sure some of us have a few theories on that question. The Fed says that it's allowed to withhold internal memos, trade secrets and commercial information. Because you can do something is a good enough reason to do it. A secretary for the Fed sent an email to Bloomberg saying “In its considered judgment and in view of current circumstances, it would be a dangerous step to release this otherwise confidential information,”. The most cataclysmic financial crisis in America since the great depression; That's a phrase that pops up a few times in the article, some what worryingly. The Fed may be right in not wanting to disclose this information, it could very well be harmful, but the longer they stick with this refusual to cooperate with FOIA requests the more they deteriorate what little sheen may have been on their operation. Maybe it will do some good to get more people interested in what exactly they are and how they can skirt legal requests for information regarding taxpayer money.

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