Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Delegate Speech

While I'm still working on some of the blogs that I'm dedicating special attention to, in the meantime I figure I can pacify my expectant blog readers for a bit with this post.

I'd like to explain something first. I never made the speech that you're going to read. I was a Ron Paul Revolutionary from the very beginning and when I learned about the delegate system I felt this overwhelming compulsion to involve myself in this democratic process of getting the man I wanted for President past the primaries that are politically-biased towards the two-party system, as everything is rigged in this country of ours. I blame this on two things: the polarization of party politics and the mindlessness of America's brainwashed lemmings. I was very fortunate to be able to have my good friend, Levi, to participate in this historic moment.

There was a certain number of delegates who were to be elected to the state level and also a certain number to the national level. I wanted to get to the national level and if I couldn't then to the state level. Because I didn't file a declaration of intention out of ignorance on my part, I failed to satisfy party protocol.

So here follows a speech I prepared and was never allowed to deliver. I unabashedly stole a quote outright from Patrick Henry, but I felt the conditions were appropriate enough. Please forgive me.

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow Republicans, honorable delegates; I come to you out of a sense of urgency. I have good news but first you must understand the bad news. We have arrived at a great crossroads in America’s history. We cannot afford to let a moment like this pass us by again. We now resemble Soviet Russia’s command economy. The only difference between Russia’s economy then and our economy now is that America doesn’t have a foreign government subsidizing her, so don’t expect current conditions to last very much longer.

In all likelihood, we’re heading towards an economic depression, the likes of which have not been seen since the Stock Market Crash of ‘29. There are multiple scenarios that could trigger the snowball. The potential exists for outstanding bank derivatives to destroy this economy before unfunded liabilities will wreak havoc. International animosity towards American imperialism could spark retaliation wherein foreign governments agree to option a run on the dollar. When this happens, not if, and the American Republic falls like the Roman Empire, it will not produce a great deal more sorrow than when the Soviet Union imploded from economic and domestic stress. Our economy will not so much collapse though as our debt-based fiat-currency will cause it to evaporate.

However, there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel and this is why I believe we are at a very important crossroads. There is a kind of candidate running for President our Republic hasn’t seen since Senator Barry Goldwater. To quote former Superior Court Judge Andrew P. Napolitano briefly, “There are 535 people on Capitol Hill whose job it is to write the laws that govern all of us and he is one of them. There are 535 people on Capitol Hill whose job it is to preserve the Constitution and he is one of them. There are 535 people on Capitol Hill whose job it is to preserve our liberties and he is one of them. But in his heart and in his head; in his character and in his intellect; in what he has done and what he will become, the Thomas Jefferson of our day, Ron Paul is one of us.”

His name is Ron Earnest Paul and after reviewing his constantly consistent voting record one may wonder if his middle name is more than just coincidence. The Republicans talk a lot about loyalty and fealty to the Constitution, but Paul is among a very few who seem to actually care about it enough to live by it. Recall, when Reagan ran for President he even had some Democrats voting for him. Paul has that same ability of uniting the country that Reagan had. The Democrats are now back in control in Washington, D.C. If we decide as a party to vote for McCain come November, the 2006 election could look like a prophetic declaration of things to come in 2008. Should we follow Mike Huckabee’s rhetoric of preserving our honor even if it means losing elections? Or should we perhaps enlighten ourselves to the Jeffersonian philosophy of limited government and sound monetary policy represented in the candidacy of Ron Paul? I beg those who plan on voting for McCain to reconsider the ramifications of your own actions. I ask you, honorable delegates, do you want to experience in your lifetime a catastrophic economic crisis worse than the one in the 30s? The passengers on the Titanic thought the ship wouldn’t sink even as it was going down, at least not until it became too late! There is no fate but what we make for ourselves! Don’t let Orwellian groupthink keep you from voting on principle. The capacity for things to get worse is limitless!

With Soviet Russia’s economy and Adolf Hitler’s surveillance state, our very Republic may indeed be coming to its end! There is no candidate running other than Paul that promises to reverse government largesse. How can the Republican Party endorse a candidate who was at one point considered by John Kerry as a running mate? We have the Federal Reserve, the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, Homeland Security, and the military-industrial complex… Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! Thomas Jefferson would vote for Ron Paul. Will you?

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