Monday, November 24, 2008

Tainted Lunch Meat : Alternative currency

I came across this over at The Consumerist . It's an article about the guy who created the Liberty Dollar. It's an alternative currency that was in direct competition with the US Dollar. It's also apparently illegal to mint and market competitive currencies in the US. Bernard von NotHaus runs or ran this enterprise had his offices raided a year ago. No one has been arrested or charged with anything, but all of the precious metal currency was confiscated along with computers and records. All around interesting read and some money quotes from some big economic talking heads. Bullion with a Mission give it a look, well worth the time.


  1. Liberty Dollar is still alive and well and minting silver and gold pieces.

    Bil Munsil
    Mesa AZ

  2. I have a Ron Paul Liberty Dollar. Pretty sweet coinage.
