Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Blank Blog. A Request.

I'm sitting here. It's 11:40. I go to work tomorrow. I've been trying to think of what to blog about. And I realize there's way too much! The subject of this blog has changed several times over. And it's getting later.

I don't mean to sound like a conspiracy kook to the uninitiated reader. I have talked to several people related to this blogspot about my opinions and they share them with me. In fact, two of my friends, one of them who contributes here already , came to me and requested me to create with them a research think tank.

Let me be as brief as possible. Two years ago, that's 2006, I discovered a documentary called America: Freedom to Fascism that talked about the relationship between our nation's bank, the Federal Reserve System, our nation's tax collection agency the IRS, and the North American Union. This was just the trailer to the documentary because initially it was going to be released into theaters until the filmmaker decided because the government was acting too swiftly it was more important to release it directly to DVD and the internet.

Little did I realize, the subject of the documentary was the very subject my father had been trying to convince me of for the past several years. His brother had bought him a copy of a book written by Eustace Mullins called Secrets of the Federal Reserve. I sat down, I began to read it, and during the first chapter I had what could be described as a panic epiphany.

I've been a changed man ever since. I want to reverse what has happened, and I want to reverse its affects if it can be achieved. This is going to take more than just the power of me and the combined efforts of all involved will have to move beyond the blogosphere.

What I'm proposing is the formation of a research team willing to dedicate themselves to long hours of hard grueling work that in the end will hopefully prove beneficial for everybody. There's a monopoly of power in the world that needs to be broken and broken quickly before humanity passes the rubicon. Freedom needs to be restored to the peoples of each nation.

There's already Ron Paul's Campaign for Liberty and that's a good start. More needs to be done. These motherfuckers running the world -- the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, etc -- they deserve to die.

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