Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Tea Party Thoughts, Part II

Because I didn't attend any of the tea parties that occured across the nation, I had no sense of what happened except for the reports made by media outlets, mainstream and online. Not knowing who to trust for honest reporting on the matter, I immediately consulted a fellow myspacer friend who investigates along the same paths as I do. Having not done any preliminary research herself on the matter, she told me that from what she heard it began as an End the Fed Rally, turned into an anti-Obama stimulus package protest, and then got stupid.

I have since gathered more information from my initial report, and I don't know how much of it was an End the Fed Rally or an anti-Obama stimulus package protest gathering. Needless to say, this was a nationwide protest so of course there's going to be more than one gathering. I'm going to be checking the MySpace Groups, DailyPaul, Campaign for Liberty, and the Ron Paul Forums to find out anything else I can on the matter.

It is understandable that Anthony Gregory, the author of the Waco articles, wrote such snarky and stinging commentary on the Tea Party from the perspective as a whole. Certainlly we're not going to see the kind of Tea Party protest that we'd like to see where we're chasing our representatives and senators and Supreme Court Judges and Federal Reserve Board Members down the street with pitchforks and lit torches. That'd be a scene ripe for declaring martial law and of course political organizations like the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center would just love to make some political points out of it. In fact, it would be advantageous to any political organization connected to the government in any way to finance such an occurance. I better stop here. I shouldn't say anything further. One of them may be reading this and might be getting some ideas! Wink, wink to James B and Pat over at Screw Loose Change. They love to demonize patriots, don't they?

Do you know who Kathy Barkilus is? She was the protestor CNN didn't cover. She appeared on Fox & Friends of FoxNews. This is the clip:

Here's Susan Roesgen trying to misrepresent the whole of the entire protest.

"I have to say this is a party for Obama-bashes. This isn't entirely representative of everybody in America." STOP Susan! First of all, what's wrong with bashing Obama if the criticism is legitimate? I'm sure you felt entirely comfortable bashing Bush!

"This was organized by three different conservative groups." Thank you, Susan, for telling us who they were! Such accuracy in your report!! Might two of them be Campaign for Liberty and Restore the Republic? Those two groups are certainly not considered friendly to neocon interests.

"And if you look at some of the signs here!" Yes, I see, one right there on the right of the screen. In big bold black hand-written letters it says "Republicans Suck Too! End the Fed!" Stay with me with here, Susan, I'm going to show you how much of a fucking parasitic bitch you are!

"Wait! Why do you say he's a fascist? He's the President of the United States." So the President of the United States can't be fascist? Didn't a lot of left-wingers like you regard Bush as fascist? I wouldn't necessarily call Obama a fascist. I'd be more willing to call him a communist or a national socialist but not necessarily fascist. The Austrian economists could probably explain to you why they think Obama is a fascist but I doubt you're that smart. You're a CNN whore.

"Why be so hard on the President of the United States with such an offensive message?" The guy really isn't answering her questions because either he's an idiot and can't back up his argument or he's not interested in playing her game. From the way he presents his argument, one could think he's not the smartest, but this is indeed a very smart move. Why answer someone's question who is clearly sanctimoniously interested in your answer? So that they can tear it down? Now Kathy Barkilus has expressed suspicion that he's an ACORN plant, but he could very well be a student of Austrian economics. I can see how someone might try to spin the Barack O'Hitler picture. No one's stupid enough to compare Barack Obama to Hitler because they think both of them "hate jews." But I'm sure CNN would like you to believe that he is comparing them both to make Obama look like he hates Jews. David Axelrod. Rahm Emanuel. Anyone believe this? Laughable.

I bet Screw Loose Change isn't covering this. It wouldn't be very advantageous to the purpose of their blog to defend "tax protesters". Especially with the following video I'm going to post:

"not in our field of view!" go suck on a tailpipe, you piece of shit bitch!

Thank you Founding Bloggers.

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