Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Geithner: "Vast Majority" of US Banks Have More Capital Than Needed

Jesse had a very nice piece he wrote yesterday when Geithner was appearing before Congress and testified about updates in the market.

The article can be read in full here.

His commentary follows below:

This morning before Congress Treasury Secretary Turbo Tim, the Tax Cheat, said that the stress test results show that the 'vast majority' of US banks have more capital than they need.

Right. Most real banks, who do banking, have sufficient capital and have been well managed.

Its only the five or six largest money center banks that have trillions in bad debt and toxic derivatives that threaten to soak up all the available capital in the real economy.

Its the vast majority of banks who have been sound in their credit expansion and risk management who are paying the price through higher FDIC fees, along with the taxpayers, as Tim and Larry support the Wall Street oligarchs.

The action in the equity markets ahead of Tim's remarks was about as blatant as it gets. This is getting to be disgusting.

Market manipulation and rampant financial speculation with public funds will continue until we are confident that the economy has improved. When the electricity fails because of malinvestment in the real world economy, the Obama people can have public service community organizers deliver pamphlets door to door telling us how good things are becoming.

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