Monday, January 12, 2009

Boycott Israel

Some good stuff at Alternet today. Naomi Klein has a piece up that makes the argument that similar tactics used to defeat apartheid in South Africa could be used against Israel to curb the violence against Palestinians. I don't really know if that is possible, but it sounds better than doing nothing. Israel seems pretty committed to increasing violence against Palestinians lately. I'm not sure monetary punishments would sway the Israeli leadership on this, and it's not like it would be some sort of official sanctions against Israel, that will never happen, through the UN at least. The US will continue to support her right to defend herself( I like the way that's always phrased, in the feminine, so as to reinforce that fact that 'she' is never the aggressor and only defending 'herself', such bullshit psycho propaganda) to the very end, with weapons and money if need be. So from this point onward, I'll continue to never buy kosher products, except maybe pickles, but only if they are on sale. If I actually had money and investments I would consider divestment as well.

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