This is just amazing, although not unexpected. Glenn Beck has proved himself (not that he needed to with me) incredible.
This is one of the recent great gifts the mainstream media has been given in terms of having something to use for purposes of illegitimizing the patriotism of Americans who are concerned about the state of liberty in their country.
Yes, James von Brunn is a 9/11 Truther. He's a member of the Justice for 9/11 Petition for a New 9/11 Investigation, according to Screw Loose Change.
For anyone who doesn't know, James von Brunn has garnered some attention in the press recently for opening fire at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. I'm not going to reprint the story here for purposes of brevity. Although I do encourage many to read as many different pieces on the story as you can find from differing news outlets to see how each one portrays James von Brunn differently.
James von Brunn is also known for making an attempted kidnapping on several members of the Federal Reserve Board in 1981, another tidbit of information I'm sure the mainstream media will love to use in their arguments that anyone who opposes the Federal Reserve is an antisemite.
The only reason Glenn Beck is arguing that it's okay to be against the Federal Reserve is more than likely because Jewish economist Ludwig von Mises said that it was okay. Von Mises never told us who owned the Fed and neither has Lew Rockwell.
And this is why magnifying von Brunn's incident is so important: to imply that if you're against the Federal Reserve and believe that 9/11 was an inside job, you're a Holocaust denier who wants to commit acts of violence.
I do have to wonder though how much of this was a choreographed publicity stunt. This is a gift that falls right into the hands of the ADL who are pushing for hate speech legislation and liberal Democrats who believe in gun control.
With one story, how many millions of Americans now fear that it's 1930s Germany ALL OVER AGAIN?
Accusing 9/11 Truthers of wanting to tear the country down is unconscionable and its slander and Glenn Beck should be taken to court over it. It's character assassination.
I'm sorry. I'm just not a boot-licking state worshiper. Too S&M for me I guess.
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