Before I begin, I'd like to get something out of the way.
Buzz words like "anti-semite", "anti-semitic", "Jew-hate", "Jew-hater" are terms designed for the political purpose of stifling debate. There has been designed into these terms by educational conditioning a certain negative connotated weight meant to infer or to imply certain associative thoughts that lead the student to politically-desirable conclusions. It serves the purpose well, for when someone starts looking into the Jewish/Zionist angle of the World Order conspiracy the prejudice says that they must be "Holocaust deniers". Of course "Holocaust denier" is also one of those buzz words used as a means to communicate to people that those who question the Holocaust are "anti-Semites" who "hate Jews". David Cole doesn't believe the Holocaust occurred and he's Jewish. Oh, right. Nevermind. He's a "self-hating Jew".
I consider the following minutes a gift to me, provided in the video I posted in this blog post below my commentary. The minutes could not have transpired more beautifully. Jason Bermas proves, without my help, his unreliability as a Truth Seeker. He proves that as a researcher he has a fixed agenda. I would say he's a disinformation agent. If by now no one knows who he is, he's part of the trio team that produced Loose Change.
There's a lot of credible evidence to build the argument that Jews have a significant role to play in determining the political message that is produced out of Hollywood and the contexts of the reports in the corporate news media.
Jason Bermas makes no attempt to prove that the caller who phoned into the show is wrong about these claims. He just says that it's "not a Jewish conspiracy" and that he should "get over it." "Hook-nosed people don't run the world in some kind of cave while they suck the blood out of babies in some weird ritual you believe in."
Jason Bermas throws out the unsubstantiated allegation that the caller or anyone else who happens to agree with the caller believes that all Jews are "hook-nosed people." The well-trained emotional knee-jerk reaction most, if not all, people have to this kind of taboo discussion is to assume that the speaker is of course talking about every single Jew that has lived, is alive, and will be born in the future when no previous quantification existed. The caller did not say "some Jewish people", "most Jewish people", or even "all Jewish people". The caller just happened to say "the Jewish people."
Sweeping generalizations are made benignly about all kinds of groups of people ranging from those people who listen to emo music to those who have sexually active lifestyles and everybody in between. But the tirades only launch when one makes a casual inference - a generalization - about a race, an ethnic group, women, et cetera. It is the imagination of the critics who should be credited with assuming a generalization is pigeon-holing "every single one." Making the statement "gays are into anal sex" does not mean that every gay man likes giving it and/or taking it. And when has there been any conspiracy researcher looking into the Jewish/Zionist angle that believed Jews run the world from a cave? Also, I certainly don't believe every Jew is "hook-nosed". Jason Bermas is certainly not hook-nosed and neither is Dylan Avery.
Next, Bermas goes on to mention that the World Order conspiracy is comprised of participants of all religious backgrounds, all races, and all creeds. But wait a minute. Alex Jones wants us to believe that the World Order is ran by elite white racists who belong to Germanic nazi death cults. Little understood to Alex Jones and his Crew of Jew is that the term Nazi is the compromised derivative of National Socialism and Zionism. The "Na" part of Nazi is National Socialism and the "zi" part of Nazi is "Zionism". This is because Nazism is the combination of two different political philosophies whose students figured out how to benefit greatly by combining their efforts. (ref. Eustace Mullins)
More bizarrely, Webster Tarpley in Jones' latest documentary, The Obama Deception, referred to the World Order conspiracy as primarily an "Anglo-American Empire" when most of the people at the top of the pyramid are Jewish bankers who own the stock of the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve!
Jason's next move is to call for extermination through population control of those who believe that Jews run the world. He erroneously conflates hating Jews to hating all minorities. He then makes the claim that he's somehow not of any particular ethnicity, a biological impossibility if there ever was one!!! In fact, he claims that with a little bit of lighting technique he can be made to look like any ethnicity!!
Bermas's next charge is that the caller is discrediting the "movement" by arguing Jewish domination in the media. What movement? The movement of sheep being deceptively led to the slaughterhouse by Jewish Zionist sheepherders? There's a difference between an InfoWarrior and a Truth Seeker. An InfoWarrior is someone who follows and parrots everything Alex Jones says and a Truth Seeker realizes Alex Jones is a disinformation agent. After all, isn't it a bit strange how the American Broadcasting Company allows Alex Jones to borrow their satellites for his radio show? And besides I'm sure with Jews in such dominant positions at the Genesis Communications Network Alex Jones signed a contract stipulating that he couldn't talk about the Jews.
And I love how these media celebrity conspiracy researchers always act like they're the first ones to uncover it all. They make these cases to become self-appointed leaders in the "truth movement". Eustace Mullins was the first one to write the book exposing the Federal Reserve as a fraud, but Alex Jones and his Crew of Jew promote G. Edward Griffin instead. He tries to discredit this claim but his own credibility evaporates when he turns an about-face and says that he has Jewish friends. Yes, of course, he does. Dylan Avery is one of them. No wonder the Loose Change film never touches upon the Israeli foreknowledge and involvement. They're protecting them!!
By the way, isn't Alex Jones married to a Jew? Violet Jones is not her real name! Her real name is Kelly Rebecca Nichols. Her father is Edward Lowe Nichols and her mother is Sandra Kay Heiligman. But he continues to deny that his wife is Jewish.
In the following video around the 8 minutes mark Alex Jones makes two very conflicting statements.
Statement #1: "My wife's not Jewish."
Statement #2: "In my wife' on one side of her family they did have some Jewish relatives from Poland..."
Well, which is it, Alex? Is your wife Jewish or not? He goes on to say that it doesn't really matter since he has had the ADL attack him in the past. This really isn't much of an argument since the concept of "controlled opposition" is built on leading the opposition. How many sponsors does Alex Jones have that are Jewish? I would think that would factor in to his reporting. He had Eustace Mullins on his radio program only once and I bet his sponsors threatened to pull their support if he had him on his show again. Alex Jones would've become another Morton Downey, Jr.
But back to the origianl topic at hand here. Bermas then makes the most shocking statement of all. He argues that if you happen to be asking the "Jewish question" you should take a toaster oven, plug it into your bathroom's electrical socket and take a bath with it. Its these oversensitive defense positions that make "antisemites" think that the Jews control the world's resources and want to maintain their control over others with total impunity.
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