Monday, March 23, 2009

All the King's Aiders and Abetters

Over at RaptureAlert, there's a blog that's been posted which I commented on. You can read the blog post, its called All the King's Men. The author, Mike Mickey, states that he's no conspiracy theorist, but that "I don't think you have to be to have an eyebrow raised". He addresses such topics as the Bilderbergers and global currency in his response to the politico article which I myself will likely address.

I wanted to address his blog post because these subjects are of great interest to me. Christians like Mike Mickey tend to be Zionists: cheerleaders for Israel who believe her establishment in the world scene is part of biblical prophecy and is essential for the return of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. These are people that are usually found tacitly approving Israel's mass slaughter of the Palestinian people. To me, a student of conspiracies, World Zionism is just another tentacle of the World Order octopus that must be addressed and exposed for the entire world to see.

This brings me to a message left in the comment section of the blog article. Posted anonymously, the writer states:

Bible prophecy tells us that a world government, religion, and currency are in this earth's future. These types of people and organizations are necessary for these things to come about. I say, just more signs of the times.
This kind of fevered hatred for the freedoms of all people everywhere is abundantly found in the Christian Zionist community. The Christian Zionists blatantly produce more pro-Israel propaganda than even the Zionist Jewish community. In their belief system, the Christian Zionists believe that in order for Jesus Christ to return, all of these prophecies have to be fulfilled: global government, ecumenicalism, one global currency, and an international dictator.

Now the First Amendment to the Constitution talks about "freedom of religion" but these people take it to a whole new level. American Christian Zionists revere the Bible above the Constitution, and not in a good way, because for them to act on their belief, the Constitution has to be violated.

Where does the Constitution grant the power to take money from the taxpayer so that the United States Government can send it to Israel in the form of foreign aid? No where! Dumbass!!!

I believe it is treasonous for Americans to participate in the movements of World Zionism and Globalism, just as Senator Joseph McCarthy felt that it was treasonous under Constitutional law to be a practicing communist. And here you have Christian Zionists endorsing traitorous criminality as necessary instruments that will help make conditions right for the return of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as so eloquently expressed in the comment statement made in Mike G. Mickey's posted article, All the King's Men.

It must be their "final solution" to the "Arabic question".


  1. Mister Goldburg,

    In all your anti-sematic and anti-Christian hate speach that you spew, do you ever stop long enough to see that what we Christians have told would happen in the future by the Bible is happening now. Is that what you hate about us the most, that we worship a God(the only true God) who is right? You mention money we send to Israel, but what about all the money the US sends to the Pals? They, my misguided friend, are terroists who have no right to any Israel land any way. They belong in their own land in Jorden. You say that we for us to act on our beliefs we must violate the constitution. Ironic, since the founding of our once great country was based on Christianity...including the dictates of the constitution. Also, where does the constitution say that the government is allowed to take money from the taxpayers and give is to doctors to kill unborn children? Allow me to set you straight on a couple of things: first, it is the Pals that slaughter the Jews with bombs and rockets. The Jews have shown too much restraint, In my opinion. Second, the events you mentioned that we Christians believe will happen in the end times do not HAVE to happen for christ to return, but He did warn us that they will happen before he returns as a sign...and you know what...what are happening right now! Third, it is your side that violate the constiution and it is your side that are doing the very things Christ said would be done in the end times. Ironic, huh?

  2. If you will look at Bible Prophecy you would see that the one world governement and one world currency that is on the horizon was prophesied thousands of years ago.

    Actually, all the current signs in this world are fulfillment of the Word of God so those who mock Chrisitanity now have proof of the truth of the Word of God. No longer is just faith needed as there is proof being unveiled.

    God will not be mocked and eternity is drawing close so open your eyes to the signs around us and see that God in His mercy and grace is even giving visible evidence to the stubborn-hearted.

    Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior NOW as tomorrow may be too late as the end unfolds!

  3. i agree with all these comments except for the guy saying your dumb. We Christians shouldn't say that because no one is dumb just stubborn and hateful toward the truth read it for yourself an maybe you might see the truth . Jesus was the only one who died for man and their sins and evil ways . He changed me and thats good enough for me to say i believe ,so now i do

  4. Mister Goldberg I feel so sad for you because you don't have Jesus in your life and because you insult a man like Mike who is trying to help you have enternal life. God help you have a change of heart and mind. I will pray for you.

  5. Dear Mr. Goldberg, you are living proof of the kind of thinking God said would be rampant just prior to the rapture of His church. Your time is short, and I wouldn't wish the tribulation on my worst enemy.
    You know, many others have had your views, and yet are now believers in Jesus - it's just that they are in hell with no way out - EVER. Heaven is real and so is hell - it's your choice.

  6. Mister Goldbug,
    Your ignorance of the bible is showing, your intolerance is audible, your hate can almost be smelt, your future appears doomed, your contribution is zilch, your reasoning stifled and your God is you.

    As I am drawn to Christ, I turn to wave you goodbye, but you are already gone!

  7. Mr. Goldbug,

    What Anonymous said onApril 16, 2009 6:34 PM ,
    said it best:

    "Anonymous said...
    Mister Goldberg I feel so sad for you because you don't have Jesus in your life and because you insult a man like Mike who is trying to help you have enternal life. God help you have a change of heart and mind. I will pray for you. "

    Ask God to show you the truth and be willing to listen. He will not fail to answer you.

  8. Mister Goldberg: I pray that your eyes will be opened to the truth of the Bible before it is too late. Mike Mickey is a wonderful person who loves the Lord Jesus. He is doing the work of the Lord on his website and I am blessed by it. I thank God for the fact that God called and Mike answered. Many are called but don't have the faith or guts to obey the calling. I, too, love Israel and the Jewish people. I am proud to be a Christian Zionist. I really hope someday, perhaps today, you will too by the grace of God. Cindy Rymer

  9. In Mike Mickey post. as a jew and as a believer I do support Israel and the Jews we are called upon to speak of Messiah. Israel is at a place, Now! where HaShaem has stated it would be, circled by it's enemies. Has anyone here been to Israel? Sadly, the U.S.A. is and has been asleep for along time. Have any of you been to a muslim country? To much PBS and CNN has clouded your minds..."Joseph McCarthy felt that it was treasonous under Constitutional law to be a practicing communist. And here you have Christian Zionists endorsing traitorous criminality as necessary instruments that will help make conditions right for the return of their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,"...This is the crazy as was McCarthy this is also the same liberal, lukewarm church that does nothing, and has put us were we are today! Mister Goldberg do not listen to Mike, me or anyone! but search out the writings on Messiah in the old books and see he is the One....the Messiah...those that are so called again....visit Israel...visit a muslim country...Islam is the "Beast" and part of the false religion of the end times. You wolves in sheeps clothing!
