Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blacklisted by History - The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy

I just recently purchased this book - Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy - and I recommend it.

I checked in the index and did not see Eustace Mullins listed. Odd, considering Mullins was McCarthy's personal research assistant. You would figure someone like M. Stanton Evans, historian that he is, would've came across Eustace Mullins in his research. Mullins himself has been writing a biography of his very own on the Late Great Senator, reportedly. I have not been able to get my hands on a copy of it myself and do not know the status of its publication.

I've read a few chapters of this book before through the local library. I remember that when I read it I developed the feeling that M. Stanton Evans was under the impression that the Cold War was an actual threat to America's national security. Of course, I'm going to have to reread the chapters I've already read and then read the rest of the chapters so that I can get a complete understanding.

I know that Eustace Mullins would disagree with Evans if Evans argued that the Cold War was real. Mullins wrote a piece on the Cold War and explained how it was a fraud concocted by those who were of the employ of the Federal Reserve, which I plan to reprint here in the future.

1 comment:

  1. You can contact Eustace through a relative of his on ebay. Eustace Mullins is an American hero! Though the un-American traitors at the ADL would argue otherwise... They can go back to israel for all I care and wait on Iran and the rest of the world to catch up to them. America knows their dark con of man. Maybe Germany was not so wrong after all.
