Monday, March 16, 2009

Can the AIG bonuses be undone

AIG must be completely unaware of reality. AIG just received an absolute ton of money from the taxpayers and apparently AIG thinks it is ok to give that money away as bonuses to the geniuses that forced them to need a bailout. Call me crazy but shouldn't they be handing out pink slips and walking papers and not multimillion dollar bonuses. Besides the fact that AIG is now a nationalised entity, they shouldn't really be worried about potential lawsuits concerning not paying the bonuses that were promised, the good ole U S of A's lawyers can get ya out of that obligation I'm sure. Govt lawyers vs sleazy wall street types over unearned bonuses, I'm picking the lawyers in this one. Somewhere on this blog was mention of a certain person and his timely award due to his position on nationalisation, and while I can see where the author was coming from, I cannot agree. I think nationalisation is needed. It may not work out well and all the fears of going to the bank being like going to the DMV might end up being correct but hopefully these ridiculous institutions that paraded around like banks can be gutted, burned, and set out on a fresh start. Is it 100% capitalist and the 'way we do things'? Of course not but not much in this country is 100% like the way we think it is. So here's to nationalisation comrades, see you in the bread lines.

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