Thursday, December 31, 2009
GATA sues Fed to disclose gold market intervention records
2p ET Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
GATA today brought suit against the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, seeking a court order for disclosure of the central bank's records of its surreptitious market intervention to suppress the monetary metal's price.
The suit was filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and targets Fed records involving gold swaps, exchanges of gold with foreign financial institutions. In a letter dated September 17 this year to GATA's law firm, William J. Olson P.C. of Vienna, Virginia, ( Fed Board of Governors member Kevin M. Warsh acknowledged that the Fed has gold swap agreements with foreign banks but insisted that such documents remain secret:
The lawsuit follows two years of GATA's efforts to obtain from the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury Department a candid accounting of the U.S. government's involvement in the gold market. These efforts parallel those of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, who long has been proposing legislation to audit the Fed. The Fed has wrapped in secrecy much of its massive intervention in the markets over the last year, and Paul's legislation recently was approved by the U.S. House of Representatives.
The Fed claims that its gold swap records involve "trade secrets" exempt from disclosure under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act.
While GATA has produced many U.S. government records showing both open and surreptitious intervention in the gold market in recent decades (see, Fed Governor Warsh's letter is confirmation that the government is surreptitiously operating in the gold market in the present as well. That intervention constitutes a huge deception of financial markets as well as expropriation of precious metals miners and investors particularly. This deception and expropriation are what GATA was established in 1999 to expose and oppose.
Of course GATA's lawsuit against the Fed will take months if not years to resolve. We think we have a good chance of winning it in court. But we can win it outside court, and much sooner, if the suit can gain enough publicity from the financial news media and market analysts and prompt enough inquiry from them and from the public, the mining industry, and members of Congress.
So GATA urges its friends to publicize the suit and to urge journalists, market analysts, mining companies, and members of Congress to join us in seeking disclosure of the Fed's gold market intervention records. If enough clamor is directed at the Fed about these records, the gold price suppression scheme will lose its surreptitiousness and fail.
Unfortunately the World Gold Council, which each year collects tens of millions of dollars in membership fees from mining companies in the name of representing them and gold investors, refuses to question governments about their surreptitious interventions in the gold market. These interventions powerfully influence not only gold's price but the prices of government bonds and currencies, as well as interest rates generally and the value of all capital and labor in the world. There is no more important issue in the world economy than gold price suppression.
So what should have been the World Gold Council's work has fallen to GATA, a non-profit educational and civil rights organization that operates from month to month on donations from people who share its objective -- free and transparent markets in the precious metals and fair dealing among nations generally. As we prosecute our lawsuit against the Fed, we'll be grateful for your support. We promise to do something with it.
For information about supporting GATA, please visit:
GATA's lawsuit against the Fed is listed in federal court records as civil case No. 09-2436 ESH, the letters being the initials of the district court judge assigned to it, Ellen S. Huvelle.
You can find the lawsuit here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Ron Paul on Ben and the Fed
If Joe Scarborough was aware of what Ron Paul said about the economic ills that were to befall this country later into the decade, why wasn't he speaking with Ron and why wasn't he supporting Ron during the 2008 election season? Did he forget about the comments Paul made back in 2003 or was it that he was never made aware of it until recently? Paul is correct to criticize the Federal Reserve institution as evil, but he plays gatekeeper when he doesn't describe Ben Bernanke as being evil as well. Paul is also incorrect in saying that Ben Bernanke is the most powerful man in the world. Not to take away from the guilt that Bernanke bears himself, but there are other players involved here, like the members of the Bank of England who are so conveniently left out from the scathing criticism. Also, why isn't Paul talking about the findings of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee? It's very concerning to me that he hasn't said anything.
I'm turned off by these corporate newscasters who try to play themselves off as trustworthy when for 8 years during King Bush's reign they parroted state propaganda. It means that things are going to get worse as they try to lull people back to sleep from their wake-up so that they can resume their program of deception. Yes, that means you, Glenn Beck, and I don't care if you rewrote Thomas Paine's Common Sense.
Oh, and here's something I didn't know. Obviously Murray Rothbard and Pat Buchanan were friends from way back. Eustace Mullins has some information on both Rothbard and Mises in his book The World Order. I'll post the passage in another blog article.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
E.P.A. Designates Forests “Enemies of State.”
I think I'll just boil over with rage.
E.P.A. Designates Forests “Enemies of State.”
Today the Environmental Protection Agency’s chief Martinet (official title) Lisa P. Jackson (formerly of Wendy and Lisa, and Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam), has issued orders that Carbon Dioxide, which is what you are breathing out right now, is a deadly pollutant.
Many individuals have been taken by surprise by this official ruling of the Obama administration, including one Terence Wheeler, of Macon County, Georgia, who claims to have been breathing C02 out and in for many years without noticing that he was being poisoned.
But criminalization of this deadly poisonous toxic pollutant that is responsible for all acts of terrorist weather, as well as AIDS, is just the beginning for EPA super-agent Jackson.
Said Mrs. Jackson to the packed hall of reporters, “While it is well known, and I quote, that ‘climate change could reduce income from farming and fishing, possibly driving some women into sex work and thereby increase HIV infection,’ we must take an even larger step than preventing people from having sex, to stop global warming.”
No, says Mrs. Jackson, “We’ve got to clean up our acts, and that means going through our closets and finding all the dresses that don’t fit, and whether we like it or not, or think that one day we might squeeze into them again…what was I saying? Oh, yes. We’ve got to throw out those old clothes and old relationships, and start anew.” Said agent Jackson, with a mouthful of hostess devil’s food cake.
“And that’s why we’ve got to cut down the forests of the world.” She told a stunned, but quickly compliant audience.
Following the conference, the EPA issued a formal declaration, explaining that forests were now an ‘Enemy of the State.’ From the briefing:
“Because trees and plants take in C02 and turn it into oxygen, they must be considered enemies of the state, for co-dependently facilitating global warming by not preventing us from stopping production of C02.”So now the Environmental Protection Agency has made the bizarre, yet predictable move of categorizing all plant life as enemies of the state. Declaring all plant life as an enemy of the state is bizarre because this sounds more like an idea for a satirical comedy skit. And predictable because I'm not very surprised. The Environmental Protection Agency has turned into the State Protection Agency. It is quite insincere and disingenous for anyone to take seriously the government's concern for the environment's welfare. Why? Well, because the government's only concern is its self-existence and its continued application of tyranny over free peoples. The government's concern for the environment only extends to the point where it perceives a threat level something or someone poses to its criminal existence.
EPA Chief Lisa P. Jackson is in clinical psychiatry terms: a lunatic.